PAT Testing Caravan Parks

Electrical items in caravans that are let out, must have portable appliance testing (PAT) carried out annually.

If you own a caravan that you rent out you must ensure that any electrical items that you have plugged in are PAT tested. That includes items such as DVD players, kettles and toasters.

We have the resources to PAT test individual caravans, and full caravan parks, in the North East of England.

Static caravans in caravan park

When you need your Caravan Park PAT testing contact us; you won’t be disappointed with the service we provide.

Our work will not only ensure your electrical equipment is safe but we provide PAT test Certificates the very same day that help to keep you compliant with the appropriate regulations.

We inspect every electrical appliance fitted with a plug, or intended to be including integrated and permanently fixed portable appliances. We can also help you with your fixed wiring inspections that you need to get done every 3 years.

  • If an appliance requires a repair such as to the plug or cable we’ll do it for free, and
  • We supply and fit new plugs for free too

A caravan (park) owner is responsible for ensuring electrical equipment is safe, and should the need arise, be able to prove that they have done so – we help you do that.

PAT testing carried out by us will ensure your electrical equipment is safe, maintained and provide you with a fully itemised PAT Testing Certificate Report so you comply with the authorities when you need to.

Our reports have been checked by and deemed acceptable by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Ofsted, as well as many Health and Safety advisors and Fire officers.

We will carry out a visual inspection of every appliance and where necessary do electrical tests too. Every appliance that passes will be labelled with a Pass PAT testing sticker; if repairs are needed we will do them, usually without charge.

We will guide you to ensure your equipment stays safe long term by implementing intervals between tests appropriate to the risk.