How often do I need to get PAT Testing done is a topic for discussion on so many occasions, but our best advice is this – Keep it simple
Most customers want to know how often PAT testing needs doing for the wrong reasons; it shouldn’t be about how much money can be saved. A better question would be:
What does my business need to maintain safe portable appliances?
That question is more appropriate, but it is not a question that can be answered on a web-page as there are just too many variations to consider, so back to..
Keep it simple
Once we have been to your site, seen it, seen the equipment and tested what you already have we’ll be able to make some recommendations.
We’ll discuss with you what your requirements are and what we recommend as the most appropriate action for your business.
We’ll assess the risks involved and help you find an acceptable solution that not only keeps your appliances maintained to a safe standard but ideally will save you money, over time.
But beware; putting risk based testing in place doesn’t always increase the time between tests; sometimes it will reduce the time.
Use our PAT testing frequency page for more information on this subject.
Talk to us about how to maintain safe portable appliances at your workplace.